How to lower your chances of suffering from Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men . In most cases prostate cancer is fairly non-aggressive. That is, it grows slowly and generally remains confined to the prostate.

The relatively non-aggressive nature of the disease makes prostate cancer one of the easier, and more successful cancers to treat. But there are more aggressive forms of prostate cancer that can spread quickly and well beyond the confines of the prostate. It is rare in men younger than 40. Risk factors for developing prostate cancer include being over 65 years of age, family history and some genetic changes.

Also, high success rate or not, prostate cancer is still cancer and is potentially life threatening. Becoming aware of the risk factors for prostate cancer, and taking preventative measures, can significantly reduce your risk of developing the disease.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer may include:

  • Low Back Pain.
  • Pain with Ejaculation.
  • Blood in the Urine.
  • Blood in the Semen.
  • Problems in Passing urine, such as pain, difficulty starting or stopping the stream, or dribbling.

Risk Factors :

There are two different sets of risk factors for prostate cancer, those that are within your control, and those that are not.

Factors that are beyond your control include the following:

  • Age: Prostate cancer is more common in men over age 65.
  • Race: Prostate cancer is more common in African Americans.
  • Family History: Men whose biological fathers, brothers, or other close male relatives have had the disease are more likely to develop it themselves.

Factors that are within your control include the following:

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: A lack of physical activity can contribute to developing the disease.
  • Poor Diet: A lack of proper nutrients could prevent your body from effectively protecting itself against the disease.
  • Exposure to chemicals and pesticides: Farmers, factory workers, and soldiers exposed to Agent Orange (herbicides and defoliants used during the Vietnam War) have higher instances of prostate cancer.

Preventative Measures

Dietary Changes

Increase your fruit and vegetable intake, reduce your red meat intake and avoid saturated fats. Increase your consumption of tomatoes, and tomato-based products, which are rich in Lycopene, a carotenoid and phytochemical that in some studies has shown a correlation to prevention of prostate cancer. Focus on foods that are also rich in Vitamin E & selenium. Researchers believe that high amounts of calcium could contribute to prostate cancer.

Regular Exercise

Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, most days of the week. Experts report that men who exercise have fewer instances of prostate cancer. If you are out of shape, then walking is an excellent way to start an exercise program. All you need are comfortable clothes, a pair of walking shoes, and a safe place to walk.

Environmental Changes

Reduce your exposure to chemicals and pesticides. Consider using organic methods to treat your lawn and garden, avoid foods that may contain pesticides, and wash all your produce to remove pesticides. If you work around chemicals, if at all possible, try to reduce your exposure time or wear protective gear to prevent overexposure.

Latest advanced Treatment options for Prostate cancer Treatment, Please visit this link –