Infertility now mostly due to male than female medical issues.

Male factor infertility and female factor infertility contribute equally to a couple’s infertility. Treatment of male infertility
depends on the cause how long you’ve been infertile, your age and personal preferences. Often, an exact cause of infertility can’t be identified. Even if an exact cause isn’t clear, your doctor may be able to recommend treatments that work. Every time a couple is not able to conceive, the woman is subjected to to assume it is “her
problem.” Experts now have a different tale to tell: More than 60% of cases of infertility among couples are because of the male partner’s condition.

Infertility experts from across the world who gathered recently at an international conference on ‘Challenges in infertility management’ said there was a paradigm shift over the past few years. Majority view among experts is that  male infertility contributed only to 40% of the cases, but now the numbers had increased to 60%.

“Environmental factors and lifestyle changes are the major reasons for this transition. Especially those with white-collar jobs have problems because they have an improper biological cycle due to unusual working hours. Stress, eating at odd hours, tobacco and alcohol consumption and poor nutritional intake are the additional factors. The gynaecologists also point out that earlier most of the infertility issues arose due to infections but now it had been replaced by environmental toxins.

Men these days are open to getting themselves tested and treated. “Most of them come with problems like erectile dysfunction, low sperm motility and sperm deformity. Rising temperatures and increased chemical content in the air also contribute to the increasing incidence of infertility,”  said a leading infertility specialist doctor.

Women on the other hand have been queuing up with problems of polycystic ovaries and endometriosis (cells from the lining of the uterus grow outside the uterine cavity) which results in infertility. Doctors pointed out that more couples above the age of 35 were approaching infertility clinics. Most of them try to avoid a donor egg. So we have been asking them to undergo soft stimulation technique which has a good success rate in helping women conceive on their own.”

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