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M.S. (Orthopedics), M.Ch. (Orthopedics)

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Dr. Rajgopal is one of the most experienced orthopaedic surgeons in the country having served as the Honorary Orthopaedic surgeon to the President of India in 1997. Dr. Rajgopal’s professional achievements include conducting 9950 arthroscopies and over 3200 arthroplasties , conducting the first bilateral Total Knee Replacement Surgery (Apr’87) and the first MIS Unicompartmental replacement (Mar’02). He has carried out over 100 MIS Total Knee Replacement Surgeries (TKRS) and has even developed instrumentation for the same.

Education and Training:

  • M Ch Ortho : Unversity of Liverpool 1983
  • MS Ortho : All Indian Institute of Medical sciences 1979
  • MBBS : Pune University 1974


  • He is a member of Indian Orthopaedic Association, the Indian Arthroplasty Association, the Vice President of the Indian Arthroscopy Association, a Fellow at the International Medical Science Academy, an active member of ISAKOS (The International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopedic Sports Medicine).
  • He is the Founder Secretary and the elected President of the Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society & a member of the General Medical Council (UK).
  • Dr. Rajgopal has been invited to numerous international conferences as a guest speaker. Among the most prominent conferences are Brisbane, China, Cairns, Dundee and Singapore. He has read nearly 45 papers in Indian conferences.


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