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Safemedtrip - Treatment Best Hospitals in India

Male Incontinence – Treatment & Surgery from Best Hospitals & Leading Surgeons in India.

Excellent Outcomes and Affordable Cost is assured.

Male Urinary Incontinence

Why you should choose World Class Hospitals in India for Most Advanced Treatment for Male Urinary Incontinence?

Globally Trained & Highly Experienced
Globally Trained & Highly Experienced Male Urinary Incontinence Specialists – Benefit from the expertise of Male Urinary Incontinence Specialists who have worked at World’s leading Male Urinary Incontinence hospitals for decades and follow most advanced cancer treatment protocols.

Lowest Cost
World’s Lowest Cost Cancer Treatment Packages. Best quality Drugs, Medicines and Consumables for Male Urinary Incontinence Care are produced in India at lowest cost and exported all over the world.

Complete Cancer Care with latest High-end technology infrastructure like Robotic Surgery System, Brain Suite, Novalis Radiosurgery TX, PET Scan, CyberKnife , Gamma Knife, IMRT and IGRT that help quick diagnosis and recovery.

Well trained English speaking Doctors, Nurses and Support Staff provide competent and compassionate Cancer care.

Male Urinary Incontinence

Male IncontinenceIncontinence is the accidental leakage of urine. The act of urination goes out of one’s control in such a condition. Bladder control develops earlier in females than in males. Men and women both are affected by this condition. As age advances men become more vulnerable to this condition due to prostate enlargement but this may not be a rule.

The functioning of the bladder is controlled at the local level by a micturition reflex and by the spinal cord and the brain at the higher level. The brain has centers that tell the individual if it is the right place and time to urinate. These centers are affected in conditions like Stroke, Parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s and Brain tumor because of which the person may urinate immediately after he gets the urge. The person may pass urine in bed, in a gathering etc. This is a type of urge incontinence.

functioning of the bladderAt times the person may suffer from spinal cord injury. The spinal cord has nerves that carry sensation of bladder fullness from the bladder to the brain. As soon as the brain senses bladder fullness, it instructs the individual to go to the washroom to relieve him. Till such a place is found the brain sends signals through other nerves to keep the bladder opening closed. But in cases of spinal cord injury, this connection between the brain and bladder is lost as the spinal cord nerves are cut. In this case the person gets the urgency to void urine and he does it immediately. This is also a type of urge incontinence. Also in spinal cord injury the bladder gets spastic or overactive. A little bit of urine causes reflex contraction of bladder resulting in its contraction and expulsion of small amounts of urine with increased frequency. This is known as overactive bladder.

In conditions such as diabetes mellitus or other nerve diseases, the bladder muscles become weak and nerves causing the bladder contraction are diseased. As a result even after the bladder is full, there is no reflex contraction and emptying of bladder and the bladder keeps filling up till it overflows. This is known as overflow incontinence or dribbling.

Another variety is the stress incontinence which is found more commonly. The neck of the bladder has a ring of muscle called the sphincter. This sphincter is usually fully contracted to keep the bladder mouth closed. This muscular ring is supported by pelvic muscles. When the pelvic floor muscles get weakened, this ring also gets weak. As a result the mouth of the bladder in not totally closed at all times. So in instances where there is an increase in abdominal pressure as in laughing, coughing, sneezing, lifting weights etc., there is leakage if urine as the bladder is compressed. Enlarged prostate puts pressure on the bladder causing premature outflow of urine that cannot be voluntarily controlled.

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Treatment for Male Urinary Incontinence

Incontinence is curable. The methods and the time taken for cure will vary from person to person.

• Behavioral modification : Involves bladder training and timed voiding. Adjusting the time of fluid intake before bedtime or before going for a car trip or party can help avoid accidents during sleep or parties. Also timed voiding involves emptying of bladder after regular intervals. This technique is suitable for people with mechanical compression of bladder or overflow incontinence.

• Kegel exercise : Involves strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles which help to keep the sphincter muscles tight which in turn keep the bladder outlet closed during strenuous activities. Pull in the pelvic muscles and hold for a count of 3. Then relax for a count of 3. Repeat, but do not overdo it. Work up to 3 sets of 10 repeats. This is possible with the help of biofeedback also. This helps people with stress incontinence.

• Medications : Certain medications help to relax the bladder and surrounding muscles to allow full emptying (Alpha blockers). Some medicines help to reduce the level of hormone that enlarges the prostate, which in turn helps to reduce the mechanical pressure on the bladder and eases urine flow (5-alpha reductase inhibitors). Antispasmodics relieve the bladder muscle spasm thus preventing sudden bladder contractions.

• Surgery :

  • Artificial Sphincter : Some male patients can eliminate urine leakage with an artificial sphincter. It is an implanted device that keeps the urethra closed until the person is ready to urinate. This device can help people who have incontinence because of weak sphincter muscles or because of nerve damage that interferes with sphincter muscle function. It does not solve incontinence caused by uncontrolled bladder contractions.
    Surgery to place the artificial sphincter requires general or spinal anaesthesia. The device has three parts: a cuff that fits around the urethra, a small balloon reservoir placed in the abdomen, and a pump placed in the scrotum. The cuff is filled with liquid that makes it fit tightly around the urethra to prevent urine from leaking. When it is time to urinate, you squeeze the pump with your fingers to deflate the cuff so that the liquid moves to the balloon reservoir and urine can flow through the urethra. When your bladder is empty, the cuff automatically refills in the next 2 to 5 minutes to keep the urethra tightly closed.
  • Male Sling : Surgery can improve some types of urinary incontinence in men. In a sling procedure, the surgeon creates a support for the urethra by wrapping a strip of material around the urethra and attaching the ends of the strip to the pelvic bone. The sling keeps constant pressure on the urethra so that it does not open until the patient consciously releases the urine.
  • Urinary Diversion : If the bladder must be removed or all bladder function is lost because of nerve damage, you may consider surgery to create a urinary diversion. In this procedure, the surgeon creates a reservoir by removing a piece of the small intestine and directing the ureters to the reservoir. The surgeon also creates a stoma, an opening on the lower abdomen where the urine can be drained through a catheter or into a bag.

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How it Works – Get Most Affordable Treatment in India

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you have decided that you want to get treatment in India you can email us your latest medical reports and accompanying X-Rays, MRI Scans and other relevant medical documents at or Call or WhatsApp us on +91-9899993637 for one to one discussion with our executives.

Once we receive your reports, we will get them reviewed by our medical experts and will send you a detailed treatment package consisting of doctor’s diagnosis, treatment plan, cost of treatment, duration of stay in hospital and duration of stay in India besides other relevant details.

Once you have confirmed to us that you want to proceed further to get treatment in India, our team will help you with the Indian medical visa assistance and documentation process. We will also help you in arranging for a comfortable local stay for you and your attendant. You don’t have to send any money in advance.

Savings can be from 30-50%, depending upon the procedure and the destination. Your treatment will be carried out from only the best hospitals in India that are NABH accredited and have specialists that are recognized globally for their expertise.

From the date you decide on one of the three affordable treatment packages offered to you. It may take 1- 3 weeks to obtain Medical Visa and book flight tickets. We have zero waiting period and you can be received at the Airport on arrival and immediately admitted at hospital and treatment will start.

Its advisable that you should not delay your treatment particularly in case of severe illnesses like Cancer, Heart or Spine etc. Early start of treatment results in quick recovery and lower expense compared to delay of treatment.

The difference in cost package due to the labour and insurance costs of the hospital operating in India, and not by the difference in the quality of treatment.

Each patient is assigned to a SafeMedTrip Patient Case Manager who will take care of every single detail ranging from arrival to send off.

Yes, of course. We will provide you with complete assistance in selecting high-quality hotels near the hospital location that fits your budget.

You will be given a complete profile of the specialist before you proceed for the treatment. On special request, we will be happy to connect you with him through a teleconferencing service facilitated by Skype.

What People say about us- Patient Experience

What people say about us

I could not have managed even a step without your staff’s excellent care. Couldn’t be happier with the surgeon, physicians and their expertise. All staff nurses and doctors are very attentive. Always available, kind and considerate. Your Case Managers are very personable and professional. My stay was very comfortable. Will recommend for sure”.

Thanks you all and God bless you


Dr. Balondemu Darkwah, Uganda

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    WhatsApp / Viber: +91 9899993637
