Novalis Tx RadioSurgery – Benefits and Surgery from Best Hospitals and Leading Specialists in India
Benefits of Novalis Tx Radiosurgery
Excellent Outcomes and Affordable Cost is assured.
Why you should choose World Class Hospitals in India for Novalis Tx RadioSurgery Treatment ?

The Novalis Tx is a powerful radiosurgery system that offers a versatile combination of advanced technologies for the treatment of tumors and other anatomical targets. With the Novalis Tx radiosurgery platform, UCLA offers state-of-the-art, non-invasive treatment for a wide range of malignancies and other potentially debilitating conditions, without harming nearby healthy tissue and without involving traditional surgery.
Novalis Tx is equipped with Varians RapidArc radiotherapy technology. The Novalis Tx platform includes three imaging modalities for pinpointing the tumor and positioning the patient with high precision – an On-Board Imaging device (OBI), ExacTrac room-based image-guidance system provides continual imaging during treatment to detect movement and support robotic adjustments in patient positioning in six dimensions, and electronic portal imaging device (EPID). These methods allow for protection of surrounding healthy tissues while enabling clinicians to concentrate higher, more effective doses on tumors.
The Novalis Tx radiosurgery system delivers non-invasive, shaped-beam cancer treatment that takes just minutes. Novalis Tx radiosurgery treats cancerous and non-cancerous conditions of the entire body with one-of-a-kind shaped-beam technology. Shaping the beam precisely to a patient’stumor ensures that the best possible treatment dose is delivered while healthy tissue is protected.
Benefits of Novalis Tx Radiosurgery
As one of the most advanced cancer treatment options available, Novalis Txradiosurgery is changing the face of cancer treatment, and has already helped thousands of people continue to go to work, spend time with family and friends, and take part in their favorite activities, all while fighting cancer. Novalis Tx represents a new standard in radiosurgery, offering advanced technologies that deliver highly precise, fast treatment.Get Estimate
- Novalis Tx radiosurgery technique shapes the radiation beam to match the exact contour of the tumor or lesion, thereby ensuring that maximum prescribed dose of high energy radiation is delivered to the entire tumor.
- Protects surrounding healthy tissue.
- Adapts the treatment beam to breathing and other body movements to continuously maintain safe, complete and accurate dose delivery.
- Delivers treatment in as little as 15-20 minutes providing a more comfortable treatment experience when compared with other radiosurgery treatment options.
- Reduces the likelihood of body or tumor movements, ensuring that treatment is delivered with the highest possible accuracy.
- Offers one-time treatment or a series of treatments based on your doctor’s recommendation.
- Employs a wide range of treatment modalities, ensuring you receive the best treatment for your individual case. Other radiosurgery devices are limited to only one treatment modality.
- Delivers the industry’s highest dose rate, penetrating deeper to treat tumors previously considered untreatable.
- Offers hope to patients with clinical conditions once considered untreatable and those for whom surgery is not an option.
- Frameless radiosurgery offers you a more comfortable and non-invasive alternative to other radiosurgery systems which require immobilization with a head ring that attaches to the skull.
Frequently Asked Questions
Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM)
- Cavernous Angiomas
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Intractable Seizures
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Brain Metastases/Gliomas
- Acoustic Neuromas
- Pediatric Brain Tumors
- Recurrent Brain Tumors
- Pituitary Adenomas
- Meningiomas of the Skull Base
- Craniopharyngiomas
- Spine Tumors/Metastases
- Prostate Cancer/Metastases
- Liver Tumors/Metastases
- Lung Tumors/Metastases
Other radiosurgery systems use circular beams of radiation to treat tumors and lesions. Most tumors or lesions are irregular in shape so the circular dose cannot completely conform to their exact shape. Novalis Tx radiosurgery shapes the radiation beam precisely to a patient’s tumor or lesion, ensuring that the best possible treatment dose is delivered while healthy tissue is protected.
The radiation beam also adapts to the patient’s breathing and other body movements to continuously maintain safe, complete and accurate treatment. Treatments are fast, lasting only minutes, and the patient wears a frameless custom-fit mask rather than an invasive head ring.
Radiation treatment of a tumor can either be applied in a single session with a high dose of radiation, also known as stereotactic radiosurgery, or in a series of treatments over a period of time, known as fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. Fractionated radiotherapy involves similar total doses of radiation as radiosurgery, but the radiation is delivered in smaller amounts.
Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy allows the healthy tissue to recover from the impact of the radiation before the next treatment session. Novalis Tx offers both stereotactic radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy treatments. Unlike some systems, Novalis Tx can provide a very high number of fractions, which, studies have shown, are necessary for the best treatment of some tumors, protecting more healthy tissue. This is particularly true for tumors near auditory nerves, and the ability to spread the treatment over enough fractions can provide better treatment outcomes and preserve the patient’s hearing. Your doctors will recommend the technique most appropriate for you, depending on the size and location of your tumor.
Novalis Tx radiosurgery consists of a high-tech radiation delivery system powered by innovative, sophisticated image-guidance and motion management tools. During Novalis Tx radiosurgery sessions, you lie on a treatment table while the machine moves – without touching you – treating all areas of the tumor. Novalis Tx has the ability to “shape” the radiation beams it delivers to match the shape of the tumor. The cumulative dose of radiation kills tumor cells while minimizing exposure to surrounding healthy tissue. The number of treatments varies depending on the tumor size, location and shape. Typically, only one to five daily sessions are required.
Radiosurgery and radiotherapy use high-energy treatment beams to deliver the prescribed dose directly to tumor cells, causing them to die. Treatment results, visible on follow-up scans, may include shrinkage of a tumor or no further tumor growth. Because cell destruction and absorption of those cells within a patient’s system can be a lengthy process, it may take up to six months before the effect of the treatment can be determined.