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Safemedtrip knee replacement Surgery in India

Vascular Surgery from World Class Hospitals and Best Surgeons in India

Excellent Outcomes and Affordable Cost is assured.

Non Surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins

Vascular SurgeryVascular surgery deals with procedures performed on the major arteries of the body so that they can provide uninterrupted blood supply to all parts of the body. Blood carries oxygen to all cells and tissues of the whole body. Lack of blood results in reduced oxygen supply to the body tissues resulting cell death. Vital organs like brain and heart are greatly affected with even a little reduction in their blood supply and can present with symptoms of transient ischaemic attack (transient weakness in any part of the body lasting for less than 24 hours) or angina (chest pain due to lack of oxygen and blood to the heart). If blood supply to these organs is disrupted, it can result in stroke (paralysis of body due to lack of blood supply to the brain) or myocardial infarction/ heart attack (death of cells of the heart due to lack of oxygen).

The blood supply is affected in two major ways. Fatty deposit (plaque) on the inner walls of the arteries causes hardening of arterial walls and reduction in the lumen diameter of the arteries. (Atherosclerosis) This increases the work of the heart as it has to pump harder to overcome the resistance of the blood vessels. It also reduces the amount of blood flowing through the blood vessels. If this deposit increases to completely block the artery passage, there is complete stoppage of blood flow. The incidence of such events is increasing due to change in the lifestyle and faulty eating habits. (Oily/ fast foods).

Aortic Aneurysm Surgery

Aortic Aneurysm SurgeryAneurysms are abnormal dilatation that may be present along major arteries. The dilatations occur when the vessel walls get weakened at some point. Continuous high blood pressure increases the pressure on these weak walls which may cause them to burst and result in a hemorrhage. Read More…

Non Surgical Treatment for Varicose Veins

Non Surgical Treatment for Varicose VeinsVaricose veins are a type of venous disorder that causes abnormalities in the veins, especially on the legs and feet. Though the cause may vary from person to person, the condition leads to swelling or enlarged veins that may be painful or itchy and can eventually lead to bleeding and (non healing) ulcers. Read More…

Diabetic Foot Treatment

Diabetic Foot TreatmentSeveral risk factors increase the chances of developing foot problems and infections in the legs and feet of diabetic persons.

Footwear: Poorly fitting shoes are a common cause of diabetic foot problems. If the patient has red spots, sore spots, blisters, corns, calluses, or consistent pain associated with wearing shoes, new properly fitting footwear must be obtained as soon as possible.

Nerve Damage: People with long standing or poorly controlled diabetes are at risk for having damage to the nerves in their feet.Poor circulation: Especially when poorly controlled, diabetes can lead to accelerated hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. Read More…

Get Estimate

We Assure Most Affordable Estimates with in 48 Hours from Top Hospitals in India.


We help you get FREE Expert Opinion from Top Doctors at Best Hospitals in All Major Cities in India.

Delhi in India

New Delhi

Bangalore in India

Hyderabad in India

Pune in India

Mohali in India


How it Works – Get Most Affordable Treatment in India

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you have decided that you want to get treatment in India you can email us your latest medical reports and accompanying X-Rays, MRI Scans and other relevant medical documents at or Call or WhatsApp us on +91-9899993637 for one to one discussion with our executives.

Once we receive your reports, we will get them reviewed by our medical experts and will send you a detailed treatment package consisting of doctor’s diagnosis, treatment plan, cost of treatment, duration of stay in hospital and duration of stay in India besides other relevant details.

Once you have confirmed to us that you want to proceed further to get treatment in India, our team will help you with the Indian medical visa assistance and documentation process. We will also help you in arranging for a comfortable local stay for you and your attendant. You don’t have to send any money in advance.

Savings can be from 30-50%, depending upon the procedure and the destination. Your treatment will be carried out from only the best hospitals in India that are NABH accredited and have specialists that are recognized globally for their expertise.

From the date you decide on one of the three affordable treatment packages offered to you. It may take 1- 3 weeks to obtain Medical Visa and book flight tickets. We have zero waiting period and you can be received at the Airport on arrival and immediately admitted at hospital and treatment will start.

Its advisable that you should not delay your treatment particularly in case of severe illnesses like Cancer, Heart or Spine etc. Early start of treatment results in quick recovery and lower expense compared to delay of treatment.

The difference in cost package due to the labour and insurance costs of the hospital operating in India, and not by the difference in the quality of treatment.

Each patient is assigned to a SafeMedTrip Patient Case Manager who will take care of every single detail ranging from arrival to send off.

Yes, of course. We will provide you with complete assistance in selecting high-quality hotels near the hospital location that fits your budget.

You will be given a complete profile of the specialist before you proceed for the treatment. On special request, we will be happy to connect you with him through a teleconferencing service facilitated by Skype.

What people say about us – Patient Experiences

What people say about us​

Thanks for your always prompt responses to my volley of questions and concerns. I could not have managed even a step without your staff’s Excellent care. Couldn’t be happier with the Indian hospital’s Surgeon, physicians and their expertise. Very personable and professional. Would recommend to others.

All staff nurses and doctors are very attentive. Always available, kind and considerate. My stay during treatment in India was very comfortable. Will recommend for sure.” Thanks you all and God bless you !stars

Ms. Jemila Abubakar From Nigeria

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Get the SafeMedTrip Advantage

Safemedtrip - Invaluable BenefitsGet Expert Medical Opinion/ Second Opinion – Send us the Medical reports by Email or WhatsApp and we will get you Expert Advice ​​and ​Treatment Cost Estimates​ from Top Specialist at ​Three of India’s ​leading hospitals within ​48 hours.

Safemedtrip - Invaluable BenefitsFree Concierge ​Services​ –​ Once you decide to come to India, We will arrange ​Priority Scheduling of Hospital Appointments, Travel & Visa Assistance, Airport Pick up, Economical Hotel Stay, ​Complete ​Local Support​ ​24X7.​

Safemedtrip - Invaluable BenefitsNo Obligation – Zero Cost Assistance. We do not collect any service fee from patients. You will directly pay the hospitals after you arrive in India. We ensure Quick, Hassle Free, Affordable Treatment at World Class hospitals in India.

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    Query:- Please describe briefly the present medical condition and treatment you want assistance for ?

    Note: If you are unable to submit this form, ​​please Email or WhatsApp the medical reports to us. We will arrange a No Obligation opinion and Treatment Cost estimate from India's Best Hospitals for you
    WhatsApp / Viber: +91 9899993637
